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Press + Media

Hot off the press. News articles and exciting interviews about the project.
SBS Thai

A radio podcast featuring AGMC volunteers and RMIT linguists discussing our Thai LGBTQA glossary and tips to use language appropriately and inclusively. With Sompit Watkins and Nancy Sethasridumrong.

Star Observer

Launch of our new multi-lingual LGBT terminology resource. With Ryan Tran and Miranda Lai.

SBS News

A media article about having the words to describe your identity. With Ryan Tran and Miranda Lai.

SBS Thai

A radio podcast featuring AGMC volunteers and RMIT linguists discussing the project and the challenges of building a Thai/English LGBTIQA terminology glossary. With Sompit Watkins and Nuananong Sethasridumrong.

JOY FM World Wide Wave

A radio podcast featuring AGMC volunteers and RMIT linguists exploring the terminology of the diverse LGBTIQA+ community. With Budi Sudarto and Elvira Quintana Rivas.


2SER 107.3

A radio interview with the project's lead researcher discussing the challenges and joys of making LGBTQIA+ language accessible. With Miranda Lai.

ABC News

A newspaper article exploring how our new LGBTQIA+ terminology guide could mend relationships and inspire people to speak out. Featuring interviews with AGMC's Budi Sudarto and the project's lead researcher Miranda Lai.

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